Kishore Kumar’s Birthday today has catapulted me into a different experience which transcends ‘music’ to soar into ‘Life’. Art anyway is an eternal source of pleasure, celebrating beauty in its pristine form, free from the burden of truth and morality. The admiration for art can’t be reasoned out – why you love what you love.The domain of Art&Aesthetics is not governed by any scientific laws. Likewise why Kishore Kumar for me stands out ,I can’t explain. Ah that rich baritone reverberating with a sublime zing (please excuse me for using informal here, but can’t think of a better word) !! Why his happy numbers instantly spark off a sizzling thrill, and why the sad ones brew a teary joy, soothing even my most blistering pain, and why they haven’t lost even an iota of attraction for me over time, so on and so forth, should thus better not invite any attempt at explanation.
But today it’s not Kishore only; I couldn’t help getting hooked to reflecting upon the sources of pleasure other than literature, which have served my life wonderfully well. And believe me in a flash my mind threw up three names- Kishore Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan, and Sunil Gavaskar- heart unrolls itself in a flurry. I have grown up, sumptuously feeding upon the artistic geniuses of these three.
‘Kishore’ done, let me switch over to the other two. Amitabh Bachchan- a phenomenon- that’s only term to define him- is a mesmerising combination of a charismatic screen presence, an infectious resonant baritone, and an amazing craft which is growing better and better with time, who has never failed to bring instant cheers to the gloomiest of my moods!! Every time I watch him act, I am left gaping in an awed admiration. And last but not the least Sunil Gavaskar, whose batting prowess dominated the most lethal fast bowling of the then cricketing arena, which still remains the stuff of the folklore. He symbolises the infatuation of a young boy with the game of cricket, who never experienced any moral compunction in bunking off (again informal) his school to watch the first ‘little master’ of world cricket on the fascinating move, executing those breathtaking straight drives, delectable cuts, fine leg glances, and exquisite cover drives; even his way of leaving the balls outside the off stump had a sheer artistic appeal. He has afforded me the moments of purest pleasure through thick and thin.
Today, feeling thrilled reflecting upon my other passions in life. While I relish my imagination continuing to be captured by these three, there are a few others who have stolen in with the passage of time; shall reveal them in due course!😊😊