Tara, bored with the lifestyle of her husband who was immersed in knowledge and rituals, grew attracted to Chandra, the moon god, who was intensely passionate and a crafty lover. Believing that in him she would find what she really wanted in life, she eloped with Chandra. Brihaspati was both sad and angry, but he needed Tara to conduct the…
‘Hats off to the emperor! He gave the world probably the finest monument of love; see how he lies close by his beloved queen even in death,’ the awe in the officer softens into tenderness. ‘It is truly amazing that a king could love only one woman so passionately! His love for Mumtaz is truly matchless.’ Zeba’s face grows grave.…
‘This is the famous one, The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo,’ intones the guide. ‘You are shown how God, floating in the heavens after creating man, releases him down upon Earth. You see the pain in the separation between God and man, see how their fingers don’t meet after God has transmitted life into him, how the realm of God…