Tara, bored with the lifestyle of her husband who was immersed in knowledge and rituals, grew attracted to Chandra, the moon god, who was intensely passionate and a crafty lover. Believing that in him she would find what she really wanted in life, she eloped with Chandra.
Brihaspati was both sad and angry, but he needed Tara to conduct the rituals he engaged in to strengthen the Devas, or gods, against the Asuras, or demons. Such rituals, you see, demanded the presence of a wife. He tried to persuade Tara to come back, but she refused. Brihaspati pleaded with the other gods to help him get her back. It was finally Lord Indra, the patron of Brihaspati, who directed Tara to return to her husband in order that the rituals continue apace.’

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