‘My Inspiration to Write’.

I believe writing is a matter of natural gift, and so is any other art form. I got inspired by the feeling that I am incomplete without writing; it was a compulsion, not a choice.Using John Keats’ metaphor writing comes as naturally to a writer as leaves to a tree .

But yes, once you have a creative sensibility, intense experiences around you do inspire you to write. I feel inspired by the idea to offer slice-of-life tales to readers, where they can instantly relate to the story and the characters, they can strike a silent conversation with the author. Rightly it is held that if reader and character are not able to connect with each other, if the protagonist is unable to elicit empathy from the reader, the novel can’t be read; the reader will set it aside. And the protagonist and the reader should be stranger and familiar to each other at once.Creating such close- to -life characters inspires me.
In this regard, Psychology holds the key- to get access to the deepest recesses of human mind, delving deep to comprehend the psyche which determines thoughts, feelings and behaviour of man. That’s why writer’s control over the characters weakens as the story advances- psyche or you can say nature takes the charge; like Heathcliff in ‘Wuthering Heights’. Novels like ‘Sons and Lovers’ by D.H.Lawrence handling the tricky theme of Oedipus complex fascinate me, inspire me …The protagonist in my novel ‘Seduction by Truth’, Shiva justifies his actions,but then tends to often look within to discern the shade of villainy. An intriguing character, a mix of the sacred n the sinister.

Then comes the sense of service to the humanity, unconscious though it is. Even when a writer doesn’t offer solutions to the problems of society and humanity, he through his stories universalises the sufferings and pain, which soothes the readers at large. The exciting feeling of your book touching the lives of the readers is an eternal inspirer. Hence, my writings unconsciously reverberate with the overtones of philosophy.
A writer is thus none and everyone- litterateur, psychologist, philosopher, social scientist, political ideologue etc etc…He or she can see the unseen through the seen…

‘Art for art’s sake’ too drives me along; creative pleasure is sublime; the feel of the ennobling influence of art within me caresses not only my heart but soul as well.

Then last but not the least, originality inspires me no end ; though it’s impossibly difficult to discover a theme which has not been explored in fiction before, but yet it’s the treatment which can lend novelty to it. Like my fiction ‘seduction by truth’ – adultery is the theme ,and I was well aware of the famous novels on the theme like ‘Anna Karenina’ n ‘Madame Bovary’, but I can humbly say the treatment is so much different…..

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